Struggling at Christmas

Unfortunately, Christmas is not always the most wonderful time of the year for everyone.  We know that Christmas and New Year can be a challenging time for many families for many different reasons.  We have pulled together some resources on a range of different topics in one handy place for you to use or share with loved ones.


The NHS - 999 and 111 services are available for emergency and urgent mental health matters, while the website also has details of care on offer


If U Care Share - The charity has a range of resources on its website, including a 24/7 confidential Crisis Messenger for anyone struggling


Hub of Hope - A searchable online resource which provides suggested services for a range of mental health and addiction issues based on location


The Samaritans - The long-running charity offers 24/7 support by phone, email or its Self-help app


NHS Support for Domestic Violence and Abuse


NHS Addiction Support


Struggling at Christmas Get free, safe and anonymous support from  We have a range of flyers from Kooth on Loneliness, Loss, Social Anxiety and Family Difficulties which you can download below


EDNE Eating Distress North East (EDNE) offers independent confidential services to people affected by eating distress across the North East


Education Support offers help with the mental health and well-being of teachers and education staff in schools, colleges and universities and can be contacted on 08000 562 561


Cruse Bereavement Care (CRUSE) is a national charity committed to promoting the well- being of bereaved people.  Patients may contact the national Helpline seven days a week (various times) which is run by trained bereavement volunteers who offer emotional support to anyone affected by grief, calling free on 0808 808 1677. 


Wishing you a peaceful and safe Christmas from the whole GPFS Family.


Mrs Lamb